Poluintenzivna i intenzivna vegetacija – PERENE
U ponudi imamo veliki broj perena, kao i ukrasnog šiblja, pogodnih za formiranje zelenih krovova.
1 | Achilea tomentosa
2 | Ajuga burgundy black scallop
3 | Ajuga reptans mini mahogany
4 | Armeria maritima
5 | Armeria maritima alba
6 | Aster alpinus
7 | Carex buchananii firefox
8 | Carex evergold compactum
9 | Carex irish green
10 | Delosperma cooperi
11 | Delosperma fire spinner
12 | Delosperma jewel of desert amethyst
13 | Delosperma jewel of desert garnet
14 | Delosperma jewel of desert opal
15 | Delosperma jewel of desert peridot
16 | Delosperma mesa verde
17 | Dianthus
18 | Echinacea purpurea
19 | Festuca glauca
20 | Festuca golden toupee
21 | Geum cocineum
22 | Heuchera palace purple
23 | Heucherella solar eclipse
24 | Heuchera sanguinea
25 | Hosta plantagineta
26 | Hosta clausa normalis
27 | Imperata cylindrica
28 | Muhlenbergia Capillaris Pink Flumes
29 | Ophiopogon japonicus
30 | Ophiopogon planiscapus niger
31 | Oregano vulgare variegated
32 | Pennisetum alopecuroides
33 | Pennisetum alopecuroides little bunny
34 | Rudbeckia fulgipa goldsturm
35 | Santolina chamaecyparissus
36 | Saxifraga arendsii carnival
37 | Sedum acre aurea
38 | Sedum album coral carpet
39 | Sedum hispanicum
40 | Sedum rupestre
41 | Sedum rupestre blue
42 | Sedum rupestre cristatum
43 | Sedum spectabile
44 | Sedum spurium Purpurteppich
45 | Sempervivum arachnoideum Clarchin
46 | Sempervivum Bronco
47 | Sempervivum montanum
48 | Sisurincchium angustifolium
49 | Stipa tenuissima
50 | Thymus archers gold
51 | Thymus silver variegatum
52 | Thymus serpyillum
53 | Vinca major